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  1. Fallout 4 Infinite Loading 2019
  2. Fallout 4 Infinite Loading Screen Pc Free
  • It can never get past the initial loading screen where it says 'Please. Is to repurchase the fallout 4 game on a different console such as a PC in.
  • For Fallout 4 on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Is there any way to fix infinite loading screen yet?'

This problem still exists. There are some parts of Boston where it is REALLY bad. Tried to get into Park street Station. (looking for Nick Valentine.) Fast traveled to the area, walked up, ILS. Reloaded the latest save.

Fast travel, try and go in. Third time is the charm?

Hi, so I am having trouble with Fallout 4. I have gone through and done my first playthrough, and now I am wanting to create a new character to try with other factions, but its not working. Its stuck on this infinite loading screen. I'll quit the game and restart it. Done this a lot of times. Doesn't work.

But, this time, I saved RIGHT in front of the doors. Loaded that save, and was able to get in. Played thru, got out, sent Nick back to diamond city, tried to fast travel back to sanctuary. Rare that it happens on fast travel. Fortunately, I have a save right before I exited the station.Game was using just under 3.5gb of RAM. (think I am going to keep track of this, and see if a pattern emerges.). On x86 vs x64:4 GB is the maximum that a program can read or write to at once, but it's perfectly possible for 32-bit programs to cache things to memory and leave them resident for fast access later on.

(Compiling and rendering and what-not.) But that's not why the bug was a problem. To the best of my understanding, in Skyrim (2011), it refused to recognize more than the FIRST 4 GB of RAM on a system, meaning that a big chunk of that was already used by Windows functions and background programs already. Effectively, people with wimpy rigs or rigs loaded down by bloatware were getting hangs and crashes with out-of-memory errors.

So, even if I had 8 GB of RAM, and 2.1 GB of it was being used by Windows, a web browser, a document in MSWord that I accidentally left open, etc. (even for a split second), that would put me below 1.9 GB for Skyrim, which could and would result in a lot of instability or glitching.So, multi-tasking of any sort + Skyrim amounted to a big problem. As for the Win 10 thing, the OS would not even recognize more than 4GB of RAM for use.

Fallout 4 loading times pc

That.was inexcusable. I think it was done purposefully so that Microsoft could test something on a wide scale.using people as guinea pigs.without their knowledge. Microsoft is a subsidiary of Vault-Tech!On infinite loading screens:Is sad, but likely a result of that uGrids thing. It's probably the game trying to load/unload too many references for the engine to keep pace with. It's like I said above: the problems will get worse the longer you play. (Or are you running on a fresh install?). IFLS (Infinite Loading Screen) is caused by a memory allocation bug that Bethesda has yet to fix.

This is the same issue sheson fixed with his memory patch via SKSE & the bug has obviously carried over to Fallout 4 given the fact that several users, myself included, have had issues with IFLS in Fallout 4. I'm running at the default uGrids setting (uGridstoLoad=5) in light of the fact that tweaking that setting messes with quests/scripts/cell loading/etc. It's generally a very BAD IDEA to mess with the uGridstoLoad setting. Leave it at 5 & don't touch it period. Bethesda is still running code that is 14 years old (Papyrus, Havok Physics, & Gamebryo all date back to the days of Morrowind, which released way back in '03) & their games simply cannot handle the additional strain/load placed upon them when the uGridstoLoad setting is tweaked due to the continued use of bugged/glitched/outdated game code no matter how powerful/how much of a potato PC one is running games like Fallout 4 on. Yes, Fallout 4 is still running on the bugged/glitched Gamebryo engine despite the Creation Engine name.

Creation Engine is merely a tweaked Gamebryo engine on steroids. I'm not sure if I made the right impression with the uGrids thing. It WILL eventually break your game. It's not a matter of 'if', it's a matter of 'when'.Papyrus scripts (many of them) require a cell to be loaded (with all requisite cell data) in order to check for various stuff. If a cell loads 'incorrectly', i.e. Loading out of a certain NPC activation range, the new values for that 'inactive' NPC will conflict with what the script was looking for.

Then it will trigger for the first time the second time, creating a '.!?' For the engine that generates a stack dump for the first instance of the script. That issue will remain, and generate another dump the next time you're in the cell, compounding upon the original problem every time that cell loads. Eventually, this useless, backlogged data will force either your system or the engine to run out of resources it can assign to these dumps and your game will crash, glitch, hang, become unable to load the cell, etc.Note that 64-bit processing can't help with this as the engine still has to be coded to utilize such processes for these functions. And.it ain't.

Having plenty of free resources and getting lucky with a playthrough can make it seem pretty stable though. : I'm not sure if I made the right impression with the uGrids thing.

It WILL eventually break your game. It's not a matter of 'if', it's a matter of 'when'.Papyrus scripts (many of them) require a cell to be loaded (with all requisite cell data) in order to check for various stuff. If a cell loads 'incorrectly', i.e.

Loading out of a certain NPC activation range, the new values for that 'inactive' NPC will conflict with what the script was looking for. Then it will trigger for the first time the second time, creating a '.!?' For the engine that generates a stack dump for the first instance of the script. That issue will remain, and generate another dump the next time you're in the cell, compounding upon the original problem every time that cell loads.

Eventually, this useless, backlogged data will force either your system or the engine to run out of resources it can assign to these dumps and your game will crash, glitch, hang, become unable to load the cell, etc.Note that 64-bit processing can't help with this as the engine still has to be coded to utilize such processes for these functions. And.it ain't. Having plenty of free resources and getting lucky with a playthrough can make it seem pretty stable though.I have had Skryim at uGrids 9 since its initial installation on this machine, a couple years ago. I have ran several characters into triple digit levels, and have indeed encountered a bug or two, but, the game rarely, if ever, crashes outright, and the worst bug I have encountered was easily.fixed. with a console command. I think the engine is more robust than you give it credit for. Skyrim is actually more stable than Oblivion was.

(granted, I was running FCOM with Oblivion.) Don't recall what I was running for uGrids on Oblivion though. It was running on the same hardware I am using now (except for the vid card), but, a different operating system.

(XP Pro 64 bit. Trouble is, no one writes drivers for it for a lot of peripherals.


Good luck finding a printer that will work. : I still seem to be getting this. And it's rather odd. I can load my game, maybe do three or four transitions, and then it will get stuck.

Fallout 4 Infinite Loading 2019

Fallout 4 infinite loading screen pc games

While in this condition, the music still plays, but, nothing displays on the splash screen, aside from the little radar feller in the lower right corner. There is no disk activity related to the game either. Fallout4.exe is still burning 26% of the CPU though. Ram is at 5-6 gb out of 8. I think I am still at 1.7 something, haven't gotten the latest patch. But, it doesn't do anything for this in any event.

Fallout 4 Infinite Loading Screen Pc Free

I have reinstalled the game, turned off all the autosaves, and still this comes up eventually. I run less than a dozen mods, mostly dealing with minor fixes. (for two shot legendary, no range/damage penalty for full auto, etc.) I think this started around the 1.6 patch. At least, that's when I noticed it for the first time.

I haven't found anything relating to a fix anywhere, nor does beth appear to acknowledge this is even an issue.I am open to suggestions. Anyone have any?I'm having exactly the same problem.I suddenly have these infinite loading screens. They started a week ago.First I thought it was my SDD giving up.

But I installed a new HDD and the problem stayed.Then I had the suspicion that the reset of my settings when the game was updated was the reason. What if it was auto saving in the exact same moment I loaded a new map (moving to a new area)?I turned all auto saving functions off, except the PIP-BOY each 10 minutes (not possible to disable).

Nope, the problem is still there.The only place I can imagine there could be an answer to this is inside the save game it self?When you load a save some saved information will turn up again and be duplicated and stored in the new save. If you have an error in a saved game it will be carried over to the next on and possible be the cause of errors?(And no: I've never ever had this issue with Skyrim). The only thing I have found to be consistent about the issue, is WHERE it occurs. Out in 'the wild', I will rarely, if ever, see it happen. In downtown Boston, and other 'high density' areas, it's rather random.

I may go three or four transitions before I see one. I have made a habit of saving before going thru a load door.I can't confirm it is save corruption either. On one occasion, I would load the game a block or two away from the load door I wanted, only to get an ILS. Save RIGHT in front of the door, start the game, load that save, and the area would load in seconds.I though maybe it had to do with memory usage.

But, that doesn't seem to matter either. Checking ram usage occasionally, I have gotten the ILS with a little over 3 gb of ram in use by the game, but, have NOT gotten it when ram usage was approaching 4gb. Although, when getting close to 4, I notice the game starts getting choppy. But, saving, exiting, loading will fix it.I had though that maybe the game was 'choking' while reading from the disk. But, that doesn't seem to be the case either. I think in my previous attempts to troubleshoot this, by the time I alt-tabbed to the desktop, to check disk activity, it was already done loading everything, it simply refused to display it on the screen.

And move me into the new area. (discovered this by immediately checking disk activity while loading a new area, and yep, FO4 was loading from a variety of files, but, the new area never appeared on-screen.). My 'black screens' appear exactly when the game is loading a new area. It happens after a while.

Maybe half an hour. The first or second time the screen doesn't go black for long, but it's definetely loading much longer than usual. But then it suddenly stays black.The game is not dead, just working in the background. It doesn't get data from the HD (I can see the lights on my tower isn't active). Sometimes the map loads, but it can take 2 minutes. It can also just keep on showing the black screen forever.I don't get any game tips in this time.

Just the little Vault Tec icon vibrating. Sometimes there's sound, sometimes there's no sound. If I click with my left or right mouse button i get a wierd clikcing noise.Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del causes some very low sounds, just like a malfunctioning radio.It doubt very much this is caused by mods. I only use one single mod (Aza Ponytail Hairstyles). I've used this mod a long time without problems.I had my PC looked at by a professional shop down town.

I changed the SSD with a HDD, bought a new PSU and cleaned the coolers. As I mentioned before I thought the SSD was wasted. But the new HDD didn't solve this problem at all.I tried to verify the game files for errors, but didn't find any.I am going to delete the game and reinstall it tonight. There's a small chance that the problem is transferred from my old SSD when they cloned the data to my new HDD. If this doesn't solve it I don't know what to do. That's exactly the behavior I see when it happens.

No tips, sometimes sound, sometimes not, just the little feller in the corner doin' its thing.I uninstalled the game, nuked all the related folders, cleaned my registry, and a host of other stuff to make sure the game was completely gone, reinstalled, ran just a couple mods, and once I get into the city proper, it happened all over again. It's gotta be an engine bug that shows up under specific circumstances.

But, I have no clue what those circumstances might be. I am not going to hold my breath waiting for a patch from beth for it either. Just learn to live with it. (and save before going thru any load door.).

As I stated before, IFLS is caused by a memory allocation bug that has carried over from Skyrim 32 bit. Bethesda never learned from that ridiculous mess-up & I'm getting this issue too. The only way I know to fix it is whenever the F4SE Team enables the same functionality that allowed sheson over at enbdev.com to fix it for Skyrim. Why the F4SE Team has yet to add said functionality is beyond me. Bethesda is really pissing me off with their blatant disregard for their PC customer base by sticking us with all these console ports.

There is no reason why a 64 bit game should be hanging up like this. Also, the very same save bloating issue that Skyrim 32 bit had is present in Fallout 4. The save file size keeps getting bigger & bigger. Mine is approaching 22 MB in size. There's absolutely no reason the game needs to memorize every little move the player makes in-game. Seriously, we need a similar memory allocation bugfix for Fallout 4 a la Skyrim 32 bit.

IFLS is beyond annoying/ridiculous & there's really no excuse for it whatsoever in modern PC games Bethesda. Bethesda games are far more 'modular' (for lack of a better term) than most games. Whereas most enormous games are specifically coded to allow this but not that, and modding requires people to literally rewrite the code, most of the code in Bethesda works as a set of design tools - not a game. The 'game' itself is not the code, it's the design tools running whatever people have 'plugged into it'.This creates both a highly modifiable engine and an extra layer of schtitick that can go wrong at any time. The trouble is usually backwards compatibility. I introduce a function.

I also introduce 1+4=5. Later, to fix a bug, I need to change a function.

1+4=5 must become 2+3=5. This also conflicts with 1+2=3, as it conflicts with the new function, so that needs to change to 1+1+1=3. 2 is no longer involved with getting 3, only 1. And everything is dandy.Except - what happens if a player did something that keeps calling on the old function, because it wants to specifically check for 2-? In the function 1+(2-?)=3. But that function no longer includes 2, just 1.

Guess what.I can't fix that. I can't go back in time and keep the player from putting the game in that situation. And it's something that's permanently saved in that playthrough. The only way to fix it is go back to the first time that function runs, and ensure it says 1+1+1=3. That way, the secondary function will look for 1+(1+1-?)=3.So, by fixing 1+4=5 by changing it to 2+3=5, I needed to rewrite 1+2=3 so that it worked 1+1+1=3, and that broke any already existing functions calling for 1+(2-?)=3.

I have to reload to a prior save-state or start a new game to make that become 1+(1+1-?)=3 when it occurs. This can manifest itself as a broken skill, a graphical error, a piece of geometry that just won't load or unload when it's supposed to, creating an infinite loop. This scenario is less likely with non-Beth titles as these functions would be linear, not interchangeable.(Looking back on this, it's hard to come up with an 'easy' example that's also accurate. Hopefully, this gives you some idea.).

I seriously doubt Nvidia made any changes driver-wise that would cause IFLS. Bethesda's inept dev team is the only entity with access to the game's source code, meaning it's highly likely they made changes to how memory is allocated ('General memory & game stability improvements' is the habitual terminonogy used by the devs with ZERO details as to what was changed, which is very unhelpful/annoying).

Bethesda's 'patches' break more than they fix. One would think after 15 plus years in the business of making/developing/publishing video games, Bethesda would have this figured out by now.

Bethesda needs to get it through their thick skulls that direct ports from console to PC NEVER WORK RIGHT period. After what I had to deal with regarding the PS3 version of Skyrim (Literal slideshow-like LAG once the save file surpassed 8 MB in size), I made the switch to PC, especially when it comes to Bethesda titles. I still play on console ( There are games I like to play that are console-exclusive) but not as much as I used to.

At any rate, Bethesda needs to cease & desist with the direct console ports via using some of those billions in profits to hire a second dev team who's primary focus is development of their games on the PC platform. It's called job creation & actually ensuring we PC users are getting a top quality product, not the bugfest excuses we've been getting over the last several years. Setting v-sync to Fast Sync also works. It's a new setting added by a fairly recent Nvidia Driver update & I set it to Fast Sync using Nvidia Inspector. Loading times are much faster to boot. Bethesda needs to fix the memory allocation bug or the F4SE Team needs to add the necessary functionality to F4SE like they did for Skyirm that helps override Bethesda's broken memory allocation system. Either way works for me.

IFLS is ridiculous & Bethesda should be ASHAMED for blatantly ignoring their loyal customer base when it comes to critical bugs like IFLS. Said: Setting v-sync to Fast Sync also works. It's a new setting added by a fairly recent Nvidia Driver update & I set it to Fast Sync using Nvidia Inspector.

Loading times are much faster to boot. Bethesda needs to fix the memory allocation bug or the F4SE Team needs to add the necessary functionality to F4SE like they did for Skyirm that helps override Bethesda's broken memory allocation system. Either way works for me. IFLS is ridiculous & Bethesda should be ASHAMED for blatantly ignoring their loyal customer base when it comes to critical bugs like IFLS.It's still better than Skyrim's Lip-Sync Bug.Unfortunately, Bethesda is renowned for introducing serious bugs and then just shrugging and walking away. I view them as a really talented friend that produces beautiful artwork, but has dedication issues and tends never to finish a canvas. Instead, they 'get bored' with it and lazily smudge it out of petty angst before running off to start a new canvas with a brand new idea. In the meantime, I pick up the smudged canvas and ask, 'Why would you do this???

This is very good! You should finish this!' But they'll just be like, ' Whatever.' And refuse to acknowledge me and continue painting something else.It's a discipline issue, in the end.