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  1. Excel Add-in Load Behavior Values
  2. Outlook Plugin Not Loading Windows 10
  3. How To Change Load Behavior In Excel Add-in 2016

Once an add-in has been placed in the DisabledItems key, Office will not let the add-in load by default. To solve this first make sure Outlook is closed and then delete all the keys in 'DisabledItems' (but remember this will re-enable every disabled add-in). May 26, 2010  My Office Addin does not Load! I Have set the load behavior to 3 but outlook changes it to 2. Each time i have to manually load the addin. Any solution for this. Jarad says: July 17, 2014 at 8:51 pm. Just to let you all know, the hard disabled tip was the solution to my Excel add-in tab not showing in Excel.

Excel Add-in Load Behavior Values

I tried this but the file was saved in C:/Program Files/MicrosoftOffice/root/Office16The first time I tried it, it didn’t work. When opening as an admin it will ask me to set up an email account which is not necessary. I deleted the add-on and re-added it from the location above (it will change the name of the add-on to Lync) – it would save as “Load at startup”. I then re-opened Outlook and it would be disabled again and funnily enough although it was there (with the different name – so it was added correctly) it was now saved as “Unloaded”. Bear in mind that these files are correctly set up in the registry with the value 3 so they should load at startup. I opened Outlook again in admin mode and removed and re-added the file.

But this time it worked for some reason and Outlook now started with the Skype Addon every time.

Hi Pramod,I am on the Engineering team that works on the Citrix Files Email Integrations.I'm sorry you're running into this issue with one of our applications. I have a few questions that might help me narrow down this issue if you don't mind.

Outlook Plugin Not Loading Windows 10


Can you confirm you are referring to ShareFile for Outlook the Office Add-in, and not Citrix Files for Outlook (formerly ShareFile Outlook Plug-in)? Also, apologies the naming is a bit confusing right now.;-). Are you receiving any type of error, or is the login screen just spinning after you try to submit your email and password?. Are you using a Mac or Windows?. Do you have any firewall or antivirus that could be interfering with login?. Are you able to log in to your account through your web browser?If I'm not able to resolve this over the Community forum I might see if someone on our Support team can reach out and assist.Thanks! Hi Jason - I'm sorry to hear you are having issues with Citrix Files for Outlook.

How To Change Load Behavior In Excel Add-in 2016

We'd really like to help you resolve them. Can you please give us some more information describing your problem?What Citrix Files for Outlook version do you have installed? What Office version?

Windows version?When is the add-in crashing? Is it due to some user interaction or just on startup?

Can you provide event viewer logs?Can you provide the log file from the add-in?It is located here:%appdata%CitrixCitrix Files for OutlookPlease upload it using this link:I'd like to get the add-in working properly for you. You should not need to switch to the web-based add-in. Right now we are unable to add the encrypted email feature to the web-based add-in due to Microsoft Office Add-in framework limitations.Thanks,Doug.