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  1. Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough

Fallout: New Vegas Aint That a Kick in the Head. THE VIG-O-MATIC VIGOR TESTER. Your SPECIAL stats (which stand for Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck. Working Fix for Fallout: New Vegas NPC FPS drop. This topic is locked from further discussion. It says the fallout.ini file is 'read only' when I try to save it. For Fallout: New Vegas on the PC, a GameFAQs Answers question titled 'Vit-o-Matic Vigor tester?'

Figured that since this is our last development weekend I'd post an update to inform you all where we're at.And it's good news!We went from RC1 (Release Candidate 1) on the 10th, where I noticed a lot of issues we baked in during the last round of updates and just had to crack it open to rebuild RC 2. RC2 was going great but it had some issues with installing and some obvious texture and audio troubles. So we upgraded to RC 3 today, and that went out to a sample test group of users who are now happily playing away after testing installer packages all day.Results.

We hit some obvious troubles on NMM and FOMM and are testing RC3.1 tonight. So it turns out there is a specific 7-zip archive compression that Nexus Mod Manager and Fallout Mod Manager either like or dislike.

We used the one they dislike, causing Out of Memory errors.That's okay, this is why we have tests before release day.Mod Organizer 1 and 2 and the new Nexus Vortex (beta) both performed admirably. No hangs, no crashes, installed reliably - boom. Plug and play, off you go. ( With some exceptions for user error, such as installing your MO2 archive on a different HDD than your New Vegas folder. It's a learning experience for us too, you never know what user builds will look like until you encounter them.). Bragg has a very keen sense of ironic dialogue.:p This happened once and never again. No idea why.They've found some very minor Beta-y things people catch when they are asked on purpose to go break things, but the mod has been surprisingly robust.

Fallout New Vegas Walkthrough

With 35 people on 38 computers spending 6-10 hours playing the mod (none have beat it yet or even come close) there are bound to be some unexpected turnups.Kleptomaniacs trying to steal everything not bolted down, maps that glow being too bright, randomly killing npcs that turn out to be important. Oh, daddy!Unfortunately the actor for Jenn didn't want to come back for her update, so I had my new friend fill it in. It's a small gap, but it caused some timing concerns - now fixed by Rick and I. Eventually we'll replace ALL of Jenn with a new actress, but that's 825 lines! Not a small task recording (6-7.5 hours) and editing (2 days.)There is also this gorgeous curving hallways that absolutely refuses to accept the correct normal tangent coordinates over its length and randomly flickers certain faces on and off.

But that's okay - What we did to compensate is add it to the lore. The hallway is part of a quest to fix a pipe by an electrical box, and if you don't fix it, a gas leak will later, in part 2, be a Luck option in dialogue with the main bad guy. Passing the luck check causes the pipe to explode, knocking him out. It's also the location where Lieutenant Weather was murdered and buried under the floor by Chevy, so his ghost now haunts the hallway, whispering in your ear of the horrors of his tormented afterlife.We now have a brand new vigor tester texture by me. Had to remake part of the mesh to fix a flickering panel that refused to light correctly (again, Nif format and Gambryo have totally jank normal disagreements.

Someone tell these people that Z is up from now on and stick to it.) I named it the Fenstermaker & Garcia Brand Vault-Tec Vigor Tester in honor of two Obsidian devs who also had to contend with this bug, and 10 years later, you're welcome guys, I fixed it! XDI was going to replace the entire mesh with a brand new system that isn't a vigor tester, but my desire to do that is.Well. We got the badass new ending theme song and super mutant match by Pablo. We got this amazing new ending video-set from me. Rick fixed the ending battle so it is MUCH MUCH easier to play and win, and it's fun. And all the installer woes, we think, are patched up!The final test group so far is enjoying it.

I can't believe you guys are releasing, I've been waiting for all this years!Questions:1) In the beta there was a strange thing, after you distribute your SPECIAL, you get nerd-athlete modifiers, and you are not warned about them, so you have toa) write them downb) reroll in such a way you will get the desired result2) In the beta there was a 'subconscious' cave with really strange action and real death, I had to fly it with noclip.Are these things in the final release?Anyway, I'm so happy for you. Good luck!+1 vote.