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Season 3 house
  1. Season 3 Ncis

Season 3 Episode 2 + Season 4 Items Version 0.1 Season 3 Episode 2 + Season 4 Items Version 0.1 Hi RaGEZONE users, longtime passed since i've posted something here, now i post a MUServer, originaly by SCFMT, modded by wingsofhell (.Latest Update RepackV1.03.) and i've downloaded that version and try to make it better. Item(kor).txt can add 3 value for masters example (1 dw 2 sm 3 gm) GS/GSCS. Map Move Server in GS does not support maps with index over 50 GS/GSCS Cant dissable shield protecting the crown in castle siege event GSCS. Visual effects do not show on monsters and characters when seen on screen GS/GSCS. O connect server ja esta original da WebZen (com update) Os log foram desabilitado (resumindo nao gera logs pesados) Mapa SANTA 100% (edataserver com suporte a novos mapas 64 e 65).

Season 3 Ncis

1) CHANGE THE PASSWORD AND PASS SQL?- D: MuServer SCFDB SCFdb.ini- D: MuServer GameServer SCFConnect.ini (x2)- D: MuServer GameServerCS SCFConnect.ini- D: MuServer JoinServer JoinServer2) CHANGE Dodne IP?- D: MuServer StartUp.ini (ipadd = YOUR IP)- D: MuServer CS DATA ServerList BoR. Dat ( 'Your IP')- D: MuServer Data MapServerInfo.dat ( 'Your IP') (DO NOT DELETE 'S')- D: MuServer Data MapServerInfoCS.dat ( 'Your IP') (DO NOT DELETE 'S')3). Create and restore the database:- MuOnline- Ranking- MU2003EVENTDATA- SCFMuTeamDOWNLOAD FILES:CREDIT:- Webzen- SCF Team- Tomatoes- Plasma32- Mr-DielEat Slow Nigāaas:.

Night of the 80