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Quests that can be interrupted by radiant quests, usually by making you clear the dungeon that quest takes place in resulting in waiting for it to repopulate before the new quest can be completed, should have that possibility listed on their own page (Purity of Revenge is a known example). Radiant quests can even do this to other radiant quests. After Whiterun falls to the Cloakstorms, join the Dark Brotherhood and assassinate the Emperor. This should be done before the end of the civil war because it would be super awk if the Emperor just showed up in Cloakstorm Solitude for some Imperial wedding. Conquer Skyrim in the name of the DarkDragoncloakstormborncompanionsbrothergroups.

Credits and distribution permission. Other user's assets Some assets in this file belong to other authors. At the end of the first Great War, the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion reached a stalemate.

This lead to The White-Gold Concordat being signed, its terms heavily favoring the Dominion.Per the terms of the treaty, the Empire was to secede a large portion of Hammerfell to the Dominion. The Redguards of Hammerfell objected to this, and so the Emperor renounced Hammerfell as an Imperial province. This would lead to lasting bitterness between Hammerfell and the Empire.The Redguards continued to wage war against the Dominion for another 5 years before they finally succeeded in pushing them out of Hammerfell. The Second Treaty of Stros M'Kai was signed and the war was finally over.The end of the Civil War is approaching.


The Empire is as weak as it has ever been. The Aldmeri Dominion, never ones to miss an opportunity, declare war once again. With the Empire in ruins and the people of Skyrim already beaten and bloody from war, can anyone stand up to the might of the Dominion?The fate of Tamriel will soon be decided, which side will you be on?

Skyrim Civil War Quest Bugs

StartingIt appears to work fine with a save-game installation, a new game is recommended though.If you have any problems with it from installing during a play-through, let me know.You will receive a letter once the civil war has ended. (It may take some time, but the letter should be sent)If Solitude/Windhelm is controlled by the Stormcloaks/Imperials, or once Tullius/Ulfric has died.Your only chance to join the Aldmeri Dominion is during the first quest.That is the only time.If you don't know what to do next, make sure you don't have any objectives. If you have no objectives, wait for a letter.For an 'Immersive Playthrough' of SkyrimThe main quest-line should be past the 'A Cornered Rat' quest.The Dark Brotherhood quest-line should be finished.You should have finished the College of Winterhold quest-line as well.The 'Missing In Action' quest should be done if you want to do it.All this should be done before the civil war ends.(It is not necessary to do these quest-lines, if you do not plan to do them in a playthrough with this mod, then there will be no issue.)(No mention to any of these quest-lines is ever made. I only put this here because the Thalmor are involved in these quest-lines.)If you want to start the 'A Daedra's Best Friend' quest you need to do it when Falkreath isn't controlled by the Dominion.If you want to complete 'The Forsworn Conspiracy' quest you need to do it when Markarth isn't controlled by the Dominion.