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. Implemented the Unmaker’s weapon special to switch firemodes.

Project Brutality 3.0! More of our glued-together Superwad of Master Levels of Doom 2! Corwin and Uko return to bro-op action, and no demon is safe from our two-man whirlwind of ultra-hyper-mega-super-destruction!

Project Brutality 3.0 Test Build

Currently there are only two. Complete overhaul of the flamecannon, featuring all new sprites, animations, tweaked behaviors, sounds, etc. (brightmaps not finished yet). New upgrade: M2 Lightning Gun Mod. Primary fire is the lightning gun beam we all know, secondary fire is a stun bomb like Doom 2016.

All monsters except bosses can be stunned for a duration of 4-5 seconds (this took awhile to make). Shooting the electricity beam directly into bodies of liquid (except lava) will have a much more devastating effect. Bosses have a slightly smaller resistance to plasma weapons, in order to emphasize a bit more on heavier weapons such as BFGs, Unmaker, Railguns, etc. Rebalanced the BFG 9000 and BFG 11K.

Project Brutality 3.0 Test

Improved the effects on both primary fires, and SIGNIFICANTLY puffed the BFG11K Beam- it is now a viable weapon to hordes of enemies and bosses alike. Increased BFG 9000 impact and explosion damage as well. Many new animations, tweaks, adjustments to existing weapon and enemy behaviors; recoded the mancubus/daedabus flamethrower attack, hell troopers can now crouch and reload, tweaks/fixes to existing death animations, new headshot death for daedabus complete with its eyeball, new hellion attack sprites, etc.

Fixed an issue where attacking an unsuspecting scientist will warp him across the universe for a stealth kill (lol). New Voxels for the Heavy and Light Tanks!

Check them out!. Reworked the head hit box system, adjusted existing head hitboxes for the hellion, nobles, revenants, and others. Head hit boxes were not responding correctly to a lot of behaviors such as the SSG, Railgun, and other weapons, resulting in rare occurences where shots would seem to not register. This bug as been fixed in this update, and head shots should behavior much more responsive and accurate now as a result. Reworked the SSG pointblank damage behavior, as well as fixed its problem registering in hit boxes. The SSG is now much more viable for headshots.

Project Brutality 3.0 Test

TestProject Brutality 3.0 Test

The Revolver, same as the SSG, inflicts considerable headshot damage as well.

Rise of Legends Latest News Posted on 5/19/2016 at 1:29 AM by alincarpetman Rise of Legends isn't completely dead as players are still playing the game and talking about it online on Youtube, Reddit, Steam, etc. In case you haven't checked in for a while, here's the. Rise of legends heaven. Rise of Nations Extended Edition is now available on the Windows Store here, and cross-play with the Steam EE is possible. In other news Age of Empires 3 has an Un-hardcode patch project here. Maybe a similar project is possible for RON, you can discuss the possibilities in the forum. Rise of Legends Heaven: HeavenGames Rules and Guidelines (Link) Moderation Announcements (Link) Issues concerning Member bannings and warnings are posted in here: The Magus District: General Discussion Discuss the single player campaign, gameplay, concepts, features, artwork, music, etc: 1090: 11680: 06-08-19 01:21 AM by alincarpetman: alincarpetman: Tech Support.