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Cannot download/redeem SW Battlefront 2 betaThis is by far the most widespread issue. We’ve written separately, so go take a look if that’s the one that’s bothering you. In short – it’s a problem on EA’s side, they’re investigating, but there’s some stuff you could try.

Dec 27, 2015  Battlefront won't start. In you're origin window go to the left top corner and click it. It's a Pavillion. Hi my son is unable to play multiplayer online ( battlefront Star Wars), it says you are not allowed to access online features. We are playing the game on Xbox one & are currently based in Spain. First run SW Battlefrontin compatibility mode windows xp (pack 2). If it doesn't work, activate Stereo mix: Click on Start Control Panel Hardware and Sound. Click on the Speaker icon Recording Show Disabled Devices.

Can’t party up, invite or join friends in SW Battlefront 2 betaThere are already reports of people being unable to form a party with their friends. Many have specifically bought the game in order to play it with people they know and like (or at least tolerate somehwat), so it’s understandable that they’d be annoyed by this.

There is a workaround that will help you play with friends.If you’re on PS4, you can easily get around this issue, by using the console’s built-in party system. Just create a party using PS’s interface and invite your friends to join the session. When you start the game, party host should select “Play Together” on the right side menu options and follow the prompts. Make sure your friends are not appearing offline.On PC take a look at the top right corner, there should be your Origin profile picture and a sign +0 next to it.

Click on it and that menu is how you invite friends to your party. Can’t start SW Battlefront 2 beta on PCSome people can’t even start the game on PC. It seems to happen to both high end and mid range machines, so it’s not a hardware issue. If this happens to you, you could try starting Origin as an admin. Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta crashing on PCMost of the crash reports seem to be tied to turning on the DirectX 12 rendered in the game’s settings. Since you can’t turn it off the regular way (on account of all the crashes), you’ll need to edit an.ini file.

Go to C:Usersyour-usernameDocumentsSTAR WARS Battlefront II Multiplayer Betasettings. Backup the files before changing anything. Open the boot options or profile options file, and look for a line that says “GstRender.EnableDx12 1” (without the quote marks).

Change the value from one to zero and save the file. You should now be able to run the game without a hitch. SW Battlefront 2 beta on Xbox One freezing after user agreementMore than a few Xbox One owners reported the game freezing after they accepted the user agreement. One of them mentioned that resetting the console to factory settings helped (they kept the games and save data, of course). We don’t recommend trying this unless you’re really desperate, since there is an off chance you could lose your save files or have to download games again. Error code 721 – Can’t connect to Battlefront 2 serversThere have been instances of people being unable to start the game (mostly on PC), while getting this error message. It’s a networking issue, one that’s probably on the server’s side.

If you want to be sure, restart your router and PC, then try again. If that doesn’t help, you’ll probably have to wait for the developers to look into this. Rey Last Jedi outfit not appearing in SW Battlefront 2 betaIf you’ve tried playing as Rey, you might’ve noticed that you can’t actually equip the outfit from the Last Jedi. Instead, she’ll always end up in the Scavenger costume. This is a known bug, so there’s no cause for alarm. Cannot change FOV in Star Wars Battlefront 2 PC betaThe PC version of SW Battlefront beta doesn’t allow you to change your FOV settings. Not from within the game, at least.

You can change them by tweaking an ini file, of course. Go to C:Usersyour-usernameDocumentsSTAR WARS Battlefront II Multiplayer Betasettings and open the profile options in notepad (make sure you have a backup copy first). Find a line with GstRender.FieldOfView in it, and change it.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Wont Start

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Stuck On Loading Screen

It should have a value of one, so start with one point five, then finely tune it until you’re comfortable. Controller layouts not displayed properlyIf you’re playing on console, you may have noticed the Starfighter controls aren’t working well. The default layout’s rear view, for example, or the Southpaw’s analogue sticks. The commands are there, but they’re not where they’re supposed to be – the layouts in the settings are wrong. You’ll have to experiment to actually find out how they work, and hope this is fixed by the time the game launches. Invalid licence missing DLL errorIf you’re on PC, and the game crashes on startup, displaying a message about an invalid licence and missing DLL, you might be able to fix it. It’s a common error on Origin, and it is usually solved by installing a particular VC redistributable library.

Find the game’s folder on your hard drive and look for an exe file whose name starts with “vc” (for example, vcredistx64.exe). Run the file to install the library – this should solve your problem. Yep, I really hope they fix it too, I’ve played to many different air combat games for way to long, and if I actually sit and conciously think about what I’m doing, I can do OK, the problem is that as soon as battle Gets hairy, muscle memory takes over and I inevitably end up flying in to a star destroyer or something, lol,I could deal with this in campaign mode MAYBE, but it’s just to annoying in mp, I need to think about my next maneuver, not what button does what to accomplish said maneuver while being shot at!!!


This is the only glaring issue I’ve noticed so far and other than this the game has been REALLY fun, like competes with cod fun, but this makes the space battles SOOOO frustrating, it ruins the fun factor. PLEASE FIX THIS EA!!!! Actually I must ammendment my previous comment, I have noticed one other issue, and that’s the fact that once your in a pre game lobby waiting for the countdown timer to start the match, your stuck, can’t back out, so when 15 people leave the lobby, or the lobby glitches or breaks or whatever you want to call it (which pretty much ALL mp games do from time to time), the only option you have to find a new lobby is to close the app and restart it, or just wait for God only knows how long.

That and the flight controls are 2 pretty much MASSIVE issues in my opinion, hope EA is paying attention and fixes this stuff asap!!!!! Honestly I’ve had the exact same problem you are having. I tried talking to an EA Agent earlier today and they gave me a complicated process of sort of getting the game to work up to getting to the menu. Then when I had tried getting onto the game again later on (that being now) I have the exact same problem you are having again. So I’m guessing we might just have to wait it out, or continue on trying to contact them about the problem.:/ (sorry I was of no help btw, just wanted to let you know you aren’t the only one).

System Specs:MB:970-g45A (up to date drivers)Graphics: geforce 1050tiProcessor: AMD 8350 8 CoreRAM: 8GBI’m not sure if it’s my jenky nvidia/AMD situation going on, but all drivers are up to date. I’ve made sure any value related to DX12 is at 0 or off. I’ve turned off origin overlay, and I’ve also tried setting memory allocation to high for the game. Everything I’ve tried results in crashing usually after games, but I have experienced in-game crashes as well.Anyone have any possible insight? Run DxDiag and if you see DX12 enabled in it anywhere turn DX12 back on. The other thing about the AMD 8350 and NVidia 1050ti who is to say that this is not causing a problem it would be nice if you could just pop in a RX 480or 500 to see what that does.

Does the 1050ti even support DX12? Some earlier cards do not so that is why all the problems.

I tend to stay away from Nvidia if I have a AMD processor. I have a AMD 8350 processor with 16 gb of ram and a AMD RX480 with 4 gb of ram Battlefront II runs jus fine with DX 12 turned on.