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The Rivain Circle of Magi is exterminated by the Templar Order for what is likely a variety of reasons including spirit-possession, increased contact between mages and humans, as well as the tensions between the Templar as well as Circle system following the Kirkwall Incident in Dragon Age 2. There is no indication the Circle was completely lost to corruption, however, so the Templars acted out of religious conviction versus the events described above with Uldred. At Redcliffe Castle, accept the mages as conscripts (only if Hawke sided with the Templars in Dragon Age II). Allow the Wardens to join the Inquisition in Adamant (only if Hawke’s Warden Ally is. The third installment in the Dragon Age series from BioWare, makers of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age: Inquisition gives you the opportunity to make your mark in an expansive, story-driven open world filled with complex characters, challenging combat and difficult decisions.

  1. Templar Order Dragon Age Online

The battlefield for this debate is all of Thedas and Kirkwall, the way the assassin's will operate will of course depend on the era their from however assume that all the usual stuff they use (AKA: Informants, Pigeon Coops, etc.) are already readily available to them. If you need a reason for why then it's because ROB decided to be nice and set up shop for them, though that is literally the end of his kindness. Also outside involvement is allowed.Scenario 1: The Assassin's Order during Al Mualim's time as leader, Altair for this debate will not go against him.

Version 1: No Piece of Eden. Version 2: Al Mualim has his Piece of Eden.Scenario 2: The Assassin's Order During Altair's time as leader. Version 1: No Piece of Eden.


Version 2: Altair has his Piece of Eden.Scenario 3: The Assassin's Brotherhood during Ezio's time as (I Think) leader. Version 1: No Piece of Eden. Version 2: Ezio has his Piece of Eden.Scenario 4: The Assassin's during Edwards time. Now I don't know if they ever had a Piece or Shard of Eden so.

Version 1: No Piece or Shard. Version 2: This only applies if they did ever have a Piece or Shard.The Assassin's are allowed to recruit, after all the Templars are. Though of course the Assassin's are going to have to be way more secretive about it.I think. Oh and for the sake of this debate the Assassin's are for whatever reason only going to recruit from the human population, though that doesn't mean they can't form alliances or agreements with groups from other species.This starts either during or one year after the Blight from Dragon Age Origins.


Also how will this effect the dragon age series story wise if at all? What will possibly change?The Assassin's Brotherhoodvs.The Templar OrderSo, what happens?Bonus: So just for fun, assuming this was happening in the actual Dragon Age game what would you have your character do if S/He somehow ran into the Assassin's Order/Brotherhood?

What if you didn't run into them but heard you could (And knew it was true), would you try to seek them out? Who would you side with? It's pretty much a complete uphill battle simply because the DA Templars are an officially recognised organisation that is generally agreed to do a really fucking necessary job, what with magic in Dragon Age running on a lite-version of the fucking Warp and existing examples of mages going power-mad if not checked by some kind of control mechanism. This isn't the Assassin/Templar shadow war of AC, this is a comparatively small underground sect trying to wage a guerilla war against one of the pillars of the entire political and social system of Ferelden, Orlais&Co.

You're not getting rif of the DA Templars without some kind of civil rights movement for mages and good luck getting that off the ground with just how often magic can go horribly bad in that 'verse. Click to expand.And how do you suggest the Assassins survive either of those things, when they're sorely outnumbered by guys who are superior to their normal foes in an area they aren't familiar with? Sure, they can ambush and kill a few Templars if they play their cards right, but it's not a viable strategy over the long run. Attrition favors the Templars who have access to healing potions and restorative magic.

Templar Order Dragon Age Online

The Assassins have to kill their heavily-armored peak human target each and every time and make clean getaways to make this a viable strategy. And I just don't see that happening. And how do you suggest the Assassins survive either of those things, when they're sorely outnumbered by guys who are superior to their normal foes in an area they aren't familiar with? Sure, they can ambush and kill a few Templars if they play their cards right, but it's not a viable strategy over the long run. Attrition favors the Templars who have access to healing potions and restorative magic.

The Assassins have to kill their heavily-armored peak human target each and every time and make clean getaways to make this a viable strategy. And I just don't see that happening. Click to expand.

The Assassin's have been outnumbered for pretty much their entire existence. Running up to a high-ranking enemy, shanking them and escaping is their bread and butter. They fight these Templars the same way they fight their Templars. Sabotage, decapitation strikes, ambushes. They have poisons that act almost instantly, smoke bombs, crossbows, guns. To use that picture as an example, Ezio could get up on a rooftop, and with one bullet decapitate the Templar leadership and be gone before the smoke cleared.Not to mention the Assassin's habit of getting in good with societies underclasses and pariahs could very well mean they end up working with DA groups like the Mages underground, and the various criminal groups.This is of course ignoring the fact that in half the scenarios the Assassins have a Piece of Eden, in which case they can just walk into the Gallows and make all the Templars eat their swords.

The Assassin's have been outnumbered for pretty much their entire existence. Running up to a high-ranking enemy, shanking them and escaping is their bread and butter. They fight these Templars the same way they fight their Templars. Sabotage, decapitation strikes, ambushes. They have poisons that act almost instantly, smoke bombs, crossbows, guns.

To use that picture as an example, Ezio could get up on a rooftop, and with one bullet decapitate the Templar leadership and be gone before the smoke cleared.Not to mention the Assassin's habit of getting in good with societies underclasses and pariahs could very well mean they end up working with DA groups like the Mages underground, and the various criminal groups. Click to expand.The problem being that the DA Templars are.not. like the ones from AC. They're an openly-operating organisation with widespread acceptance throughout society, not a shady secret society pulling strings from the backstage.

They're also comparatively decentralised and if a local chapter were to get destabilised too much, they'd be able to count on both other chapters and the local authorities to stabilise their positions. And DAs underground is a whole lot more realistic than that of AC in that every player actually has his own agenda, many of them not friendly with the Assassins. The Templars keeping mages on a tight leash is widely accepted and considered outright vital throughout all levels of society, even amongst many mages. Trying to take out the Templars means to fight literally all major political, economical and even religious institutions present as none of them will want that to happen. Because the Fade just happens to be a slightly nicer version of the motherfucking Warp and everyone knows at least to some degree just how bad that can fuck things up.In the end, the Assassins are just gonna end up a persistant irritant at best because they're fighting a system that simply cannot be dismantled just by killing a bunch of people. The Assassin's have been outnumbered for pretty much their entire existence.

Running up to a high-ranking enemy, shanking them and escaping is their bread and butter. They fight these Templars the same way they fight their Templars. Sabotage, decapitation strikes, ambushes. They have poisons that act almost instantly, smoke bombs, crossbows, guns. To use that picture as an example, Ezio could get up on a rooftop, and with one bullet decapitate the Templar leadership and be gone before the smoke cleared. Click to expand.These Templars are a lot more capable than the ones they're used to, and have access to a bag of tricks the Assassins aren't prepared to deal with.


I have no doubt they'll do plenty of damage, but I don't see them winning an attrition battle simply because the Templars can afford to be a lot more sloppy. I have my doubts about a single bullet reliably killing a Templar wearing enchanted (or extremely well-forged) plate each and every time. Templars have faced guns wielded by superhuman foes before. The others aren't exactly OCPs, either. Click to expand.The stuff your character can do might, and I mean might be able to be considered a outlier (Other assassin's you meat seem to be close to your characters skill from what I can remember.) however the characters you train are probably not outliers. I mean they start out as just people being harassed that you save and train.

Their not even considered true assassin's until they reach the final rank and leave your care.Isn't the Templars resistance due to their magic resistance as Templars?