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Free Gta Kit (MultiPlayer) By crolele, January 30, 2016 in Example Projects. Probably owner of project removed website as i can see. 1 Share this post.

​ Core features of the asset:. Server authorityFor every multiplayer game this feature is the best one.

It protects your game from hackers. I designed this template to protect everything from hacking this includes: player movement, camera rotation, player inventory, loot containers, world interaction, combat, crafting, saving and loading, construction. Network optimizedAsset is highly optimized while keeping the abilty to extend it easily. Crafting systemThis system like every other is built with really easy way to add new blueprints and manage them. Crafting is done on the server side for each player and this process is highly optimized, bandwidth usage is at minimum. Container systemHaving players share a container is not as easy as it sounds, plus when you add server authority. But this asset makes sure you don't have to worry about this, just make sure you create a nice UI for container and that's it.Players don't know what is in the container unless they send request to open it, server accepts request and sends info back to them.

This is also optimized as much as possible. Inventory systemContainer system and inventory system are connected to each other and are really easy to extend. Click to expand.Hello, I am sorry for not responding I was quite busy.

I will update main post with more detailed information about every feature.Server authority is the best feature, almost every network game without this feature would eventually fail if anyone decides to hack it. I implemented server authority of player movement, camera rotation, player inventory, containers, crafting, construction, combat and damaging system, saving, world interaction.and so on. Which means that none of these things can be hacked, nothing can be hacked.This asset is using unet (unity networking). This enables some cool features such as proximity checker.Network games must be optimized, and I optimized this as much as I could keeping in mind that it should be easy to extend. Currently unet is not the best, but it is getting improved. Hey there, I'm not trying to be a 'Hater' but I did want to say. For what you have here, I believe 30$ is over priced.

As a software developer myself, I would charge 30$ an hour on a job. However, what you're offering is quite unpolished in its current state and most likely 50% of the code would need to be ripped apart to be stuffed into and work with an already existing project. Not to mention, you're selling a generic package. (To the masses, so re usability should diminish price. I rarely want to spend 20$ on a complete AAA video game, Why would I pay 30$ for 2% of one?) You also need to be careful giving guarantees about 'Unhackability'. You're using unet, which. As dynamic and as great as it is, its peer 2 peer and imho aimed at small scale casual games, So the server (Or host) is most likely a separate client of the game running physics, visuals, and everything it shouldn't know about.

(Costing performance), and unless it is doing checks and verification on every packet that comes through (Which would be intensive as well), its unlikely unhackable, just secure against easy access. I give you props for releasing this and wish you the best of luck, I hope you're code is understandable and polished for the buyers out there as well!

But just be careful about overselling the product as you've essentially given your word and guarantee 'in writing' about a few specific things and if the 'S. was ever to hit the fan' with a project that went large scale (Using this as a start template) you could likely be held accountable I think. Lol.Anyways, Just my 2 cents and advice based on experience, but; Looking good overall! Maybe polish it up some more, Throw some rigging of clothes features in? Add some elbow grease to the UI textures, Get those gawd awful player names out of the 3D environment and into the view/ui controller (use scaling of the text to mimic the 3d effects of player distance) and you might have a hit.

You started by showing work of your project in my own thread and now this. I'll just say that I spent half a year on this asset and that the price should be much larger but I thought many could you use this as a learning project since everything is implemented correctly and structured well.Every game is hackable, in the end you can just hack a server directly. This asset can be easily converted to advanced networking systems if unity networking is not good enough.Now when we are talking about re usability, this is not a generic template that should work by default with everything. You have to put some work on your own.This template is a product of just one person working on it, me. So excuse me if you don't like the animations/models.art in general.I did not aim for a finished game, this is just a template with a lots of features. Hopefully you did not expect whole finished multiplayer game for a free? I purchased a few days ago and I really like what I see so far.


The asset is more than reasonably priced when you look at the amount of templates out there that all hover around the $60+ range.Please do not waste your time on making anything pretty, rather on extending functionality and features. My wish list on possible future features would be:. Farming. Animal breeding. Mount system (cause you mentioned vehicles!).

Animal/pet training (basic)Things like combat, more items, enemies.lots of assets are available for that already. Unless you really want to make this a full one-stop asset? The problem then is the amount of effort required to build and integrate a vast array of features which would justifiably kick the price a lot higher. I have given up on several 'BIG' templates just because the development never finishes and interest wanes. You started by showing work of your project in my own thread and now this.

I'll just say that I spent half a year on this asset and that the price should be much larger but I thought many could you use this as a learning project since everything is implemented correctly and structured well.Every game is hackable, in the end you can just hack a server directly. This asset can be easily converted to advanced networking systems if unity networking is not good enough.Now when we are talking about re usability, this is not a generic template that should work by default with everything.

You have to put some work on your own.This template is a product of just one person working on it, me. So excuse me if you don't like the animations/models.art in general.I did not aim for a finished game, this is just a template with a lots of features. Hopefully you did not expect whole finished multiplayer game for a free? Click to expand.No need to get butt hurt buddy. Like I said, I was not trying to disrespect this project, Just giving input (My Opinion) what would make this worth the value you're asking for. I understand that you're a programmer and not an artist, I fight that same battle every day. I was providing criticism on what personally I think would make this a better asset.

You're on a forum board bud, if you think every post is going to be butterflies and rainbows than your quite mistaken. I'm giving constructive criticism. That's what this board is meant for. You, and others, May have different views. Just as you all have your own opinion. Regardless, This is a community, every voice can be heard, weather you take my advice as a grain of salt or as good advice. Well that's up to you.

Simply put: If this was my asset, these are the points I would work at. Obviously you have buyers and admirers, so you must be doing something right. So, like I said before. Keep at it and keep up the good work.PS, I removed my original first post. I was not aware that this caused any issues.

I was not advertising one bit as that is not even a project that's existent anymore, Just though it was humorous at the time.Cheers! Some thoughts on farming:. Obtain seeds either as random drops from 'harvesting' a generic plant or have it as a drop when harvesting the same kind of plant in the wild. Till a square piece of land (perhaps using the building system to create a plantable section?) with each square being able to hold x number of plants.

Unity Game Templates

These could be rather small squares in case someone wants to maybe make a garden around their house. The seeds are then used on the land. If you are adding a day & night cycle, have the plants grow after a few days.

Unity Multiplayer Survival Template Project For Beginners

A simple prefab swap-out could represent the stages. Scaling the plants sometimes gives odd results (or has for me!). After x days, the plants are mature and can be harvested. A sickle or scythe is needed to harvest.

Unity Multiplayer Survival Template Project Plan

When a plant is harvested, it drops whatever fruit/vegetable it represents, a seed/seeds and destroys the plant. The tilled soil tile would be destroyed and the cycle starts all over again. ​ Core features of the asset:. Server authorityFor every multiplayer game this feature is the best one. It protects your game from hackers. I designed this template to protect everything from hacking this includes: player movement, camera rotation, player inventory, loot containers, world interaction, combat, crafting, saving and loading, construction. Network optimizedAsset is highly optimized while keeping the abilty to extend it easily.

Crafting systemThis system like every other is built with really easy way to add new blueprints and manage them. Crafting is done on the server side for each player and this process is highly optimized, bandwidth usage is at minimum. Container systemHaving players share a container is not as easy as it sounds, plus when you add server authority. But this asset makes sure you don't have to worry about this, just make sure you create a nice UI for container and that's it.Players don't know what is in the container unless they send request to open it, server accepts request and sends info back to them. This is also optimized as much as possible.

Inventory systemContainer system and inventory system are connected to each other and are really easy to extend. Figured it out, i had to update my own unity version, doh. Now am working through hooking up a different character controller/animator.

Mine uses fp camera to set rotation and pitch, not the body rotation/pitch to set the camera. I suppose that makes little difference to the server though as long as it gets the variables it needs.I've been using photon previously which is semi authoritative at best - in photon you would send 'server' your position/rotation after applying it on local player, and 'server' would just send rpc to replicate on other remote players, after perhaps a very basic validity check.i see here i must send intended position/rotation to server and let it move or correct my local player as well as move the remote players. This will be interesting. The updates are looking really good!I'm more keen on the template features than stuff like guns or other weapons use - more than enough assets on the store for that.

Oh, and please do keep the server auth - I agree with the views above that it makes a game far too easy to hack and abuse if it is not there. I'm very happy with the rate of updates, so please take what time you need. There are lots of templates on the store that get no updates for months on end.Farming!!!.still holds thumbs for animal breeding.